MAXAIR CAPR optimizes Your Respiratory Protection against airborne particulates (aerosol and droplet).

MAXAIR CAPR optimizes Your Respiratory Protection against airborne particulates (aerosol and droplet).
MAXAIR Systems
Meet Today's Needs And Tomorrows Expectations:
MAXAIR CAPR® Systems are advanced respiratory protection systems that meet all OSHA loose fitting (no Fit Testing required) PAPR requirements.
Click on Market images below for more information.
MAXAIR Systems
Meet Today's Needs And Tomorrows Expectations:
MAXAIR CAPR® Systems are advanced respiratory protection systems that meet all OSHA loose fitting (no Fit Testing required) PAPR requirements.
Click on Market images below for more information.
Healthcare Facilities
Healthcare Environments
Preferred Complete Systems For Healthcare Facility Environments
The Personal Protection Equipment needs for Healthcare Workers is as varied as it is extensive.
From frequent Infection Control with infectious patients in Airborne Infection Isolation Rooms (AIIR), to special procedures as bronchoscopy, to emergency preparedness and pandemic critical times, there is an optimum CAPR Configuration.
CAPR focuses on the Health Care Worker and is designed for comfort and convenience to facilitate excellent user compliance with their RPP.

For situations requiring the most cost-effective balance between Safety, Comfort, and Convenience.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Standard HE Filter
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Cuff – Full Face Cover (eyes, nose, mouth)
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - NO breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Full Face Cover – NO need for separate Face Shields, bouffants, etc.
Affordable: Most economical change-out between uses.
More cost-effective than N95-based programs.

For situations where full 360° coverage and protection of face, head and neck is desired, and where reuse of filters protected by the Filter Cover Cap can reduce on-going cost-per-use.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- XP Filter
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Single Shroud with Level 41 materials
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Affordable: Most economical full-coverage change-out between uses
1 ANSI/AMMI PB70:2020
2APF (1,000)

Hood, PH
When maximum body coverage, high fluid protection, and safety in doffing top the requirements list. A single piece, 360° full head to below-the-shoulders cover for routine use throughout the healthcare facility. Filtered exhaust source control is paramount for protecting the unprotected near the wearer.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Filter integrated in the Hood
- PH Style Single Hood
- Front Materials below filter line: AAMI Level 41
- Filter: AATCC 127 50 cm1
- Back materials: AAMI Level 3 with >96% OPR (Source Control)1,2
- No need for additional mask/N95 respirator2
Safety with Convenience: NIOSH 99.97% HE Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety with Affordability: Cost competitive full Hood includes New Filter with each changeout
1 ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 Syntech Intl Technical Bulletin on OPR, P/N 04123045

For Ebola and other severe Pandemic Level situations that may require very high fluid resistance (360°) in addition to the highest protection against airborne particulates.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Filter integrated in the Hood
- PB Style Double Hood
- Materials below filter line: AAMI Level 41
- Filter: AATCC 127 50 cm1
- HFR FCC provides a fluid impermeable cover over the entire Hood Filte
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety – High Efficiency2, High APF2, High Fluid Resistance1
1 ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 HIGH APF (1,000)

Hard Hat
For Emergency Preparedness when emergency considerations include requiring respiratory, fluid, and impact protection as with pandemics, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters as tornadoes, earthquakes, explosions, etc.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Hard Hat Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- ANSI/ISEA Z98.1-2014 Type 1, Class G & C Hard Hat
- High Fluid Resistant Single Shroud1
- XP Filter2
- Optional ANSI Z87.1 Impact Lens, available)
- DLC Shroud (Optional alternate for Cuff, available)
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety – High Efficiency2, High APF2, High Fluid Resistance1
1 Materials: Level 4, ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 HIGH APF (1,000)

Surgery/HOPD/ASC Environments
Preferred Complete Systems For Surgery/OCS/ACS Environments
The Personal Protection Equipment needs for Surgery/OR is as varied as it is extensive.
From frequent Infection Control with infectious patients in Airborne Infection Isolation Rooms (AIIR), to special procedures as bronchoscopy, to emergency preparedness and pandemic critical times, there is an optimum CAPR Configuration.
CAPR focuses on the Health Care Worker and is designed for comfort and convenience to facilitate excellent user compliance with their RPP.

Hood, PRS
For sterile applications requiring maximum body coverage, high fluid protection, and safety in doffing. A single piece, 360° full head to below-the-shoulders cover for all situations requiring sterile technique. Filtered exhaust source control is paramount for protecting the unprotected near the wearer.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR PR Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Filter integrated in the Hood
- PRS1 Style Single Hood
- Front Materials below filter line: AAMI Level 42
- Filter: AATCC 127 50 cm2
- Back materials: AAMI Level 3 with >96% OPR (Source Control)2,3
- No need for additional mask/N95 respirator3
Safety with Convenience: NIOSH 99.97%4 HE Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety with Affordability: Cost competitive full Hood includes New Filter with each changeout
1 Requires CAPR PR Helmet, 2084-04
2 ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 Syntech Intl Technical Bulletin on OPR, P/N 04123045
2 HIGH APF (1,000)

Hood, PR
For applications requiring maximum body coverage, high fluid protection, and safety in doffing. A single piece, 360° full head to below-the-shoulders cover for all non-sterile head cover situations. Filtered exhaust source control is paramount for protecting the unprotected near the wearer.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR PR Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Filter integrated in the Hood
- PR1 Style Single Hood
- Front Materials below filter line: AAMI Level 42
- Filter: AATCC 127 50 cm2
- Back materials: AAMI Level 3 with >96% OPR (Source Control)2,3
- No need for additional mask/N95 respirator3
Safety with Convenience: NIOSH 99.97% HE Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety with Affordability: Cost competitive full Hood includes New Filter with each changeout
1 Requires CAPR PR Helmet, 2084-04
2 ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 Syntech Intl Technical Bulletin on OPR, P/N 04123045

For non-sterile applications requiring maximum body coverage, high respiratory protection, and high fluid protection, with a more cost-effective solution. A single piece, 360° full head to below- the-shoulders cover where reuse of filters protected by the Filter Cover Cap can reduce on-going cost-per-use.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- XP Filter1
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Single Shroud with Level 42 outer shroud materials
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%1 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Affordable: Most economical full-coverage change-out between uses
1 APF (1,000)
2 ANSI/AMMI PB70:2020

For nonsterile situations where the most cost-effective full face high protection factor respiratory and contact protection is needed.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Standard HE Filter
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Cuff – Full Face Cover (eyes, nose, mouth)
Safety with Convenience: NIOSH 99.97% HE Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - NO breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Full Face Cover – NO need for separate Face Shields, bouffants, etc.
Affordable: Most economical change-out between uses.
More cost-effective than N95-based programs.

EMS Environments
Preferred Complete Systems For EMS Environments
The Personal Protection Equipment needs for EMS can be extensive due the varied and often unknown conditions emergency responders must confront.
Need for protection against airborne contaminants, spread of body fluids due to injuries, even impact protection against debris and wreckage are all-in-a-day potentials for EMS situations.
MAXAIR CAPR Complete Systems fit all these needs and more.

For situations where the most cost effective full face high protection factor respiratory and contact protection is needed.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Standard HE Filter
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Cuff
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - NO breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Full Face Cover – NO need for separate Face Shields, bouffants, etc.
Affordable: Most economical change-out between uses.
More cost-effective than N95-based programs.

For emergency situations calling for full 360° coverage and both higher respiratory and fluid protection of face, head and neck, and where reuse of filters protected by the Filter Cover Cap can reduce on-going cost-per-use.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- XP Filter
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Single Shroud with Level 41 materials
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Affordable: Most economical full-coverage change-out between uses
1 ANSI/AMMI PB70:2020
2APF (1,000)

Hood, PB
For those more extreme emergency situations where a single piece, full 360° coverage, respiratory and fluid protection system is mandatory to allow the peace-of-mind for you to focus completely on your job while under stress.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Filter integrated in the Hood
- PB Style Double Hood
- Materials: AAMI Level 41
- Optional HFR FCC provides a fluid impermeable cover over the entire Hood Filter
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety – High Efficiency2, High APF2, High Fluid Resistance1
1 ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 HIGH APF (1,000)

Hard Hat
For Emergency Preparedness when emergency considerations include requiring respiratory, fluid, and impact protection as with pandemics, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters as tornadoes, earthquakes, explosions, etc.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Hard Hat Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- ANSI/ISEA Z98.1-2014 Type 1, Class G & C Hard Hat
- High Fluid Resistant Single Shroud1
- XP Filter2
- Optional ANSI Z87.1 Impact Lens, available)
- DLC Shroud (Optional alternate for Cuff, available)
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety – High Efficiency2, High APF2, High Fluid Resistance1
1 Materials: Level 4, ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 HIGH APF (1,000)

Pandemic Environments
Preferred Complete Systems For EMS Environments
The Personal Protection Equipment needs for EMS can be extensive due the varied and often unknown conditions emergency responders must confront.
Need for protection against airborne contaminants, spread of body fluids due to injuries, even impact protection against debris and wreckage are all-in-a-day potentials for EMS situations.
MAXAIR CAPR Complete Systems fit all these needs and more.

For situations where the most cost effective full face high protection factor respiratory and contact protection is needed.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Standard HE Filter
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Cuff
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - NO breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Full Face Cover – NO need for separate Face Shields, bouffants, etc.
Affordable: Most economical change-out between uses.
More cost-effective than N95-based programs.

For emergency situations calling for full 360° coverage and both higher respiratory and fluid protection of face, head and neck, and where reuse of filters protected by the Filter Cover Cap can reduce on-going cost-per-use.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- XP Filter
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Single Shroud with Level 41 materials
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Affordable: Most economical full-coverage change-out between uses
1 ANSI/AMMI PB70:2020
2APF (1,000)

Hood, PB
For those more extreme emergency situations where a single piece, full 360° coverage, respiratory and fluid protection system is mandatory to allow the peace-of-mind for you to focus completely on your job while under stress.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Filter integrated in the Hood
- PB Style Double Hood
- Materials: AAMI Level 41
- Optional HFR FCC provides a fluid impermeable cover over the entire Hood Filter
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety – High Efficiency2, High APF2, High Fluid Resistance1
1 ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 HIGH APF (1,000)

Hard Hat
For Emergency Preparedness when emergency considerations include requiring respiratory, fluid, and impact protection as with pandemics, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters as tornadoes, earthquakes, explosions, etc.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Hard Hat Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- ANSI/ISEA Z98.1-2014 Type 1, Class G & C Hard Hat
- High Fluid Resistant Single Shroud1
- XP Filter2
- Optional ANSI Z87.1 Impact Lens, available)
- DLC Shroud (Optional alternate for Cuff, available)
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety – High Efficiency2, High APF2, High Fluid Resistance1
1 Materials: Level 4, ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 HIGH APF (1,000)

Dental Environments
Preferred Complete Systems For Dental Environments
Respiratory, as well as respiratory and contact protection needs in the Dental field are frequently overlooked and often underestimated.
Many routine and daily procedures as drilling, planing, and cleaning are constantly creating harmful airborne particulates that threaten the long term health of dentists, hygienists, and assistants.
CAPR Cuff and Shroud Complete Systems provide a full range of protection for all Dental application needs.

For most Dental cases requiring the most cost-effective balance between Safety, Comfort, and Convenience.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Standard HE Filter
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Cuff – Full Face Cover (eyes, nose, mouth)
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - NO breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Full Face Cover – NO need for separate Face Shields, bouffants, etc.
Affordable: Most economical change-out between uses.
More cost-effective than N95-based programs.

For Dental Practitioners with a higher percentage of cases with splash potential that calls for full 360° coverage and both respiratory and fluid protection of face, head and neck. Since filters are protected by the Filter Cover Cap, re-use reduces on-going cost-per-use.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- XP Filter1
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Single Shroud with Level 42 materials
Safety with Convenience: 99.99% Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Affordable: Most economical full-coverage change-out between uses
1HIGH APF (1,000)
2ANSI/AMMI PB70:2020

Research / Bio-Pharma
Laboratory Research Environments
Preferred Complete Systems For Laboratory Research Environments
Laboratory researchers in BSL laboratories may be exposed to various indigenous and exotic biohazards that can cause serious and lethal disease via airborne transmission. Their studies are invaluable in the ongoing efforts to keep our populations safe from various infectious agents and toxins.
There is an appropriate MAXAIR PPE System to protect these workers commensurate with the type of activity they are performing.

For situations calling for full 360° coverage and both respiratory and fluid protection of face, head and neck, and where reuse of filters protected by the Filter Cover Cap can reduce on-going cost-per-use.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- XP Filter2
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Single Shroud with Level 41 materials
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Affordable: Most economical full-coverage change-out between uses
1 ANSI/AMMI PB70:2020
2HIGH APF (1,000)

Hood, PB
For those “unexpected” and emergency situations when a single piece, full 360° coverage, respiratory and fluid protection system is mandatory to allow the piece-of-mind for you to focus completely on your job.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Filter integrated in the Hood
- PB Style Double Hood
- Materials: AAMI Level 41
- Filter: AATCC 127 50 cm1
- ptional HFR FCC provides a fluid impermeable cover over the entire Hood Filter
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety – High Efficiency, High APF, High Fluid Resistance
1 ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 HIGH APF (1,000)

For situations requiring the most cost-effective balance between Safety, Comfort, and Convenience.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Standard HE Filter
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Cuff – Full Face Cover (eyes, nose, mouth)
Safety with Convenience: NIOSH 99.97% HE Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - NO breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unitFull Face Cover – NO need for separate Face Shields, bouffants, etc.
Affordable: Most economical change-out between uses.
More cost-effective than N95-based programs.

Restoration Environments
Preferred Complete Systems For Restoration Environments
The MAXAIR CAPR Systems and face/head covers, single and double Hoods and Shrouds and Cuffs, provide a comprehensive array of configurations to help protect workers in restoration environments.
Workers are routinely confronted with potential health risks from the dust and other particulates generated and airborne due to processes in numerous restoration situations, including -
- Abatement
- Powder Coating
- Woodworking, Paper and Pulp Operations
- Processing plants for foods, textiles, etc.
- Metal Finishing
- Construction
- and more

For cleanup situations calling for full 360° coverage and both respiratory and fluid protection of face, head and neck, and where reuse of filters protected by the Filter Cover Cap can reduce on-going cost-per-use.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- XP Filter1
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Single Shroud with Level 41 materials
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%2 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Affordable: Most economical full-coverage change-out between uses
1 HIGH APF (1,000)
2 ANSI/AMMI PB70:2020

Hood, PB
When some cleanup situations call for even more protection - a single piece covering of the entire Helmet, Head, and Neck for maximum protection, fast and safer donning and doffing, and high levels of fluid resistance.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Filter integrated in the Hood
- PH Style Single Hood
- Materials: AAMI Level 41
- Filter: AATCC 127 50 cm1
- Optional HFR FCC provides a fluid impermeable cover over the entire Hood Filter
Safety with Convenience: NIOSH 99.97% HE Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety with Affordability: Cost competitive full Hood includes New Filter with each changeout
1 ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 Syntech Intl Technical Bulletin on OPR, P/N 04123045

For more common cleanup situations where there is need for the most cost-effective full face high protection factor respiratory and contact protection
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Standard HE Filter
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Cuff
Safety with Convenience: NIOSH 99.97% HE Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - NO breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Affordable: Most economical PAPR change-out from user to user

Nuclear Environments
Preferred Complete Systems For Nuclear Environments
MAXAIR CAPR Hood and Hard Hat Configurations are optimized for respiratory protection for use in various activities at Nuclear Power Stations, including scheduled and emergency outages and general maintenance.
CAPR Hard Hat Configurations with optional Impact Lens and Chin Straps provide additional Head and Face impact protection.
Whether refueling only or performing major backfittings or plant modifications, these specialized NIOSH approved PPE system outfits include all the user comfort, convenience, and safety advantages as all MAXAIR Systems.

Hard Hat
For many outage maintenance situations that require respiratory and contact protection against particulate contaminants, and full head and face impact protection when working in awkward spaces.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Hard Hat Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- ANSI/ISEA Z98.1-2014 Type 1, Class G & C Hard Hat
- XP Filter1
- Optional ANSI Z87.1 Impact Lens is available
- Optional ANSI Z87.1 Impact Lens, available)
- DLC Shroud, Level 42 (Optional alternate Cuff is available)
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%1 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety – High Efficiency2, High APF2, High Fluid Resistance1
1 HIGH APF (1,000)
2 Materials: Level 4, ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020

For situations calling for full 360° coverage and both respiratory and fluid protection of face, head and neck, and where reuse of filters protected by the Filter Cover Cap can reduce on-going cost-per-use.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- XP Filter1
- Filter Cover Cap
- DLC Single Shroud with Level 42 outer shroud materials
Safety with Convenience: 99.99%1 Filtration Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED”
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Affordable: Most economical full-coverage change-out between uses
1 HIGH APF (1,000)
2 ANSI/AMMI PB70:2020

Hood, PB
When activities call for even more protection - a single piece covering of the entire Helmet, Head, and Neck for maximum protection, fast and safer donning and doffing, and high levels of fluid resistance.
Standard Complete System:
- Base System:
- CAPR Standard Helmet
- Li-Ion Standard Battery
- Standard Battery Belt
- Battery Charger
- Filter integrated in the Hood
- PB Style Double Hood
- Materials: AAMI Level 41
- Filter: AATCC 127 50 cm1
- Optional HFR FCC provides a fluid impermeable cover over the entire Hood Filter
Safety with Convenience: NIOSH 99.97%2 HE Efficiency; “NO FIT TESTING REQUIRED
Safety with Comfort: Integrated Helmet - No breathing tube, no waist mounted blower unit
Safety with Affordability: Cost competitive full Hood includes New Filter with each changeout
1 ANSI/AAMI PB70:2020
2 HIGH APF (1,000)

All MAXAIR® NIOSH Approvals are held by and are in the name of Syntech International, Inc., the exclusive MAXAIR manufacturer.
MAXAIR Testimonials

Protecting You With Every Breath
You deserve & need the best Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) on the market.