Flu season burdens the healthcare industry heavily, increasing personnel absences, service disruptions, and mortality among vulnerable patients. A late 2023 study, Influenza immunization of healthcare personnel in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era: Still a lot to do!, highlighting the critical need for effective infection control.
Surgical smoke poses significant health risks to patients and medical staff, creating an urgent need for reliable protective measures. Our latest article, featured on LinkedIn, explores the dangers associated with surgical smoke and highlights practical solutions to enhance workplace safety, including our highly effective Surgical Helmet System. Discover insights from our experts and learn how to protect yourself and your team. Read the full article to stay informed and stay safe.
In earlier blogs in this series, we examined the significant healthcare challenges faced in the early 21st century, particularly regarding personal protective equipment (PPE), preparedness, and response. These discussions focused on identifying the real needs for a standardized healthcare respirator that can effectively serve HCWs for both daily use and during epidemics or pandemics.
In the realm of global health crises, respiratory personal protective equipment (PPE) has always been at the forefront of defense. Over the past two decades, the world has encountered several significant outbreaks, each posing unique challenges to the availability, accessibility, and effectiveness of respirator PPE.
Respiratory protective equipment plays a pivotal role in safeguarding individuals from hazardous airborne particulates. Although considered as the last stage in the hierarchy of implementable controls to safeguard workers against airborne hazards, respiratory PPE can be the most important due to the challenges of effectively implementing higher levels.
Many companies face increasing risks associated with harmful airborne particulates in today's rapidly changing world, including healthcare, construction, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and many others.
The coronavirus continues to cause heavy and rapid changes to the healthcare industry since it caused a pandemic and changed the world in 2019.
We all know how important it is to ensure Safety in Nursing. As patients or futures patients, safety in nursing can, as it often does, save our life. That is pretty important! But what about Nurse Safety - what are the consequences of not equally ensuring nurse safety?